Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Vampires :D

Vampires :D

1. The little vampire (2000)

A human kid called Tony, moves to Scotland from California, and gets bullied by his new class mates. After dreaming of Vampires, he meets a little vampire called Rudolph (who becomes his best friend) and his vampire sister Anna. Some evil guy wants to send Rudolph, Anna and his family to the underworld by getting hold of a mystical stone. This stone can also turn Rudolph, Anna and their family into humans. Because of Tony and his Dad's bravery, they kill the evil guy and the vampires are turned into humands. It was an epic film when I was 7 :)

2. The Vampyre (1819)

A guy called Aubrey has a mate called Lord Ruthven (characterised after Lord Byron). Wherever Aubrey goes with Lord Ruthven, bad things happen i.e. people die. The pair end up being attacked by bandits and Ruthven is mortally wounded, he makes Aubrey promsie not to tell anyone of his death for a year and a day. However.... when Aubrey returns to London he discovers Ruthven is there- He's still alive!!! Aubrey puts two and two together and realises Ruthven is a vampire! Duh, duh, duh!! Unfortunately, Ruthven starts to woo Aubrey's sister and he is powerless to do anything about it. A year and a day later when Aubrey is free to speak he rushes to tell his sister that her fiancee is a vampire but discovers her dead in a pool of blod, he was too late! 
Significance? The original vampire tale, sorts out the original characteristics of a vampire e.g. high status and intelligence. Interesting fact: Polidori wrote The Vampyre because of a challenge set by Lord Byron which Mary Shelley also accpeted resulting in her writing Frankenstein.

3. Varney the Vampire

Varney isn't quite as nice a vampire as his name may make his seem. What is particularly interesting about Varney is that he hates his condition, very similar to 'modern day' Vampire. He was cursed with vapirism after turning over a Royalist to Oliver Cromwell in the 1600s. It seems like the author wanted his audience to feel sympathetic towards Varney as they gradually learn more of his origins as a 'priest' and the unfortuante death of his son whom he kills during a fit of anger (after being changed into a vampire). I quite like Varney :D  

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